Business Consulting
We assist a vast variety of businesses in complying with the ADA. Types of businesses have included but is certainly not limited to: hotels, restaurant franchises, gas stations, general stores, department stores, major retail stores, residential development groups, strip mall retail, medical facilities, recreational facilities, sports complexes, and golf courses.

Facility Evaluation
Businesses offering goods & services to the public are required to comply with Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The evaluation process identifies any infractions in accordance with the ADA. Existing businesses operating prior to July 26 1990, the self-evaluation was to have been completed by January 26, 1993.
Businesses created or operating after January 26, 1993 were required to have been built in occordance with the ADA.
New Construction Plan Reveiws
We provide an analysis of compliance with federal, state and local accessibility regulations including:
ADAAG: Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines
2010 ADA Standards
UFAS: Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
ABAAS: Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards
PROWAG: Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines
NCHRP: National Cooperative Highway Research Program
MUTCD: Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
ANSI A117.1: American National Standards Institute
FHA: Fair Housing Act

Fair Housing Act Compliance
The Fair Housing Act, as amended in 1988, prohibits housing discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, and national origin. Its coverage includes private housing, housing that receives Federal financial assistance, and State and local government housing.
It is unlawful to discriminate in any aspect of selling or renting housing or to deny a dwelling to a buyer or renter because of the disability of that individual, an individual associated with the buyer or renter, or an individual who intends to live in the residence. Other covered activities include, for example, financing, zoning practices, new construction design, and advertising.
Your roadmap to compliance.
Proposal Process
Facility Evaluations
On-Call Consulting