Municipal Consulting
Title II covers all activities of State and local governments regardless of the government entity's size or receipt of Federal funding. Title II requires that State and local governments give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from all offered programs.

Facility Evaluations
The ADA requires that a public entity is to evaluate its current programs, services, policies and practices to identify and correct any that are not consistent with the requirement of the law. The self-evaluation identifies any nonstructural barriers. In accordance to the Act signed in 1990, the self-evaluation was to have been completed by January 26, 1993.
The entity must provide an opportunity to interested persons, including individuals with disabilities or organizations representing individuals with disabilities, to participate in the self-evaluation process by submitting comments.
programs & services
Services and activities such as public education, employment, transportation, recreation, health care, social services, courts, voting, and town meetings are all required by law to comply with the ADA.
We as a company partner with your municipality to ensure 100% compliance for both existing and future programs & services offered to the public.

title vi implementation
The ADA requires that a public entity evaluate its current programs, services, policies and practices to identify and correct any that are not consistent with the requirement of the law. The self-evaluation identifies any nonstructural barriers. In accordance to the Act signed in 1990, the self-evaluation was to have been completed by January 26, 1993.
The entity must provide an opportunity to interested persons, including individuals with disabilities or organizations representing individuals with disabilities, to participate in the self-evaluation process by submitting comments.
ADA Transition Plan
Our Title II experts evaluate and guide clients on how to create a Transition Plan specific to each community’s needs. We start from the very beginning. Tailoring each plan to best accommodate the needs of the local community.
We provide the tools needed to achieve program access and a road map for those requiring alterations to achieve full compliance over time; ensuring the local government meets all requirements set forth by current ADA regulations.

new construction plan reviews
We provide an analysis of compliance with federal, state and local accessibility regulations including:
ADAAG: Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines
2010 ADA Standards
UFAS: Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
ABAAS: Architectural Barriers Act Accessibility Standards
PROWAG: Public Right of Way Accessibility Guidelines
NCHRP: National Cooperative Highway Research Program
MUTCD: Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
ANSI A117.1: American National Standards Institute
FHA: Fair Housing Act
curb ramp & sidewalk inventory
Our assement team will measure your sidewalk infastructure and create a report complying with Title II of the ADA to insert into your transition plan for removal of barriers.
This process will assist in the increase of accessiblity for pedestrians in your community and help your entity meet its obligations regarding the ADA.

Your roadmap to compliance.
Proposal Process
Establishing an ADA Coordinator
Program & Services Compliance
Facility Evaluations
On-Call Consulting